Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Ghost????

So yesterday was a pretty hard day with the twins. Why is it whenever you have something to do, that's when they decide to NOT go along with their normal routine? Anyway, Avery woke up with the snottiest, runniest nose I have ever had to deal with! It literally was all down her face, covered her mouth, on her sippie cup, all over her blanket, everywhere! Then they both proceeded to have the poopiest diapers all day. Not to mention all the things I had to do yesterday. Anyway, I was telling David what happened, and he said "Maybe she was slimed by a ghost." I laughed for seriously at least 5 minutes. Just thinking about it makes me giggle! Anyway, if I get to have a good laugh like that everyday life can't be THAT bad!


MikesDork said...

that is it.... she was slimed! How cute.. it made me laugh too! Thanks!

Natalie said...

LOL!!! It seems like your house is filled with laughter! Life's great!

jen said...

that's funny:) i love it when i get a good laugh too. good job david!