Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall in a Nutshell

This month has flown by, and so has the rest of "summer"!  I am so glad it is now fall.  David and I are leaving for the Bahamas in a couple of days, and Lesa is so graciously coming out tonight to stay with the kiddos for us:)  We will be back on the 5th, with ten days to go before David has surgery on his shoulder. For those of you that don't know, he has a laboral abnormality tear that they are going to repair by shaving some bone and inserting a camera to pin the tear back together (hopefully), but he will lose some of his movement permanently.  Also, the first weekend of November, I get to go to TOFW in Arizona with a terrific friend Kasey;)  Super excited stuff going on, but a lot of unknowns as well.  We are also getting out of the military, so David will be getting orders in the next couple of weeks, and we will be heading back to California.  I am hopeful we will get to finish out the school year, as I absolutely love my job, and the kids' schooling, but again it is a waiting game with the military as many of you know.  I will keep everyone posted and pictures soon to follow;)  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

MikesDork said...

I am soooo excited for TOFW! Only 38 days...not that I am counting or anything!