Kids are in school (check!), David got a new job (check!), Most of our belongings made it to storage (check!), have been able to visit with family and friends (check!), going crazy looking for the "perfect" house (check!) Trying to balance homework, scouts, mutual, and the busy life of a Mom, Wife, taxi driver, etc (check!)....PHEW!! Are you overwhelmed just reading this? I think I have met my match as to how much I can do in one month!
We made it to California with no problems. That all changed when we got here, and one trial after another after another becomes pretty overbearing and stressful. Let's see, where to begin...I flooded my Mother in Laws house within the first 2 hours of being here. Josh got sick and clogged their toilet. Avery has $200 + dollars in dental work that needs to be taken care of (That is mainly due to me listening to my husband, never again! Mother's intuition trumps any reasoning he has from now on.) I am trying to register for school in the Fall, and that has been a challenge. We managed to pull off a surprise 30th BDAY party for my sister in law Lynnette this past weekend. That was a lot of fun. It was so nice to be at a family get together again. Hailey got to give her first talk in Sacrament and pulled it off with flying colors:)
Just trying to get into some sort of routine, and save, save, save for our BIG house expense (buying one is stressful!) Hopefully it will all work out and we will be over this "hump" and onto the next.
I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Year's! Let's see what else 2013 has in store:)
Private, for real this time. =/
9 months ago