Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So Many Things to be Thankful for!!

I decided since the theme for Thanksgiving is family, I thought it would be neat to show off our wonderful family. Some of these precious gemstones have never seen the public eye, so watch out!
The girls have learned how to climb up the stairs, but not down..Audrey has gotten 2 more teeth (the total count now is five yeah!) Josh got a haircut (finally) and Hailey attended her first Achievement Day for church. (girls ages 8-11 years old can go). Of course last but not least, we have a new nephew! Graham William Stevens born on Nov. 21st. @ 11:07 p.m. Congratulations Lynnette and Mark on boy #2!
We are trying to unpack everything before we break out all the Christmas decorations, so we will update pictures of that. Can't wait to see photos of everyone! We miss and love you guys lots!

Oh! And since it is tradition to go sround the table and say what you are thankful for, we are going to just pretend we are sitting with you guys, and here are our top 6 for this year.

#1. We have each other to love

#2. We live someplace beautiful

#3. We have a huband and Daddy to take care of us

#4. Hailey and Josh like playing with each other (sometimes!)

#5. All of our kids are healthy

#6. We have Thursday night T.V. to laugh at and enjoy

The pictures are in no specified order...in case you were wondering!! We are thankful for everyone in our family, and to all of our wonderful friends we wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving !

Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Adventures

Well we finally all went to the beach as a FAMILY!
David has taken Hailey and Josh before, but the
girls and I haven't been yet, and our little girls
have never experienced the beach before, so here
are some really cute pictures of everyone! Audrey
did not like the water or the sand at all (can you tell?)
Avery thought it was so much fun, she started
eating the sand! (go figure?!) Josh was a little
hesitant, (because of a previous incident) but he
was willing to run around and climb trees! Hailey
was ALL about the water, especially with her new
found kickboard we unpacked from months ago.

We now know what Santa will be getting her for
There was a surfing contest going on too, so there
are some pictures from that as well. Our little
Audrey finally has her third tooth. (I know, I know
only 3?) and she is starting to say thank you to

everything, (even though it sounds like that-too
or tat-too). We will be taking the three younger
ones to the doctor's tomorrow for 4 yr. old check-up
and shots, and 15 month shots for the twins. (Long
morning...I don't see anyone volunteering to take our
places for this one..)
Hope everyone is doing well, and we will be having
a new nephew here within this weekend hopefully
Good Luck Net! We love everyone, and miss you
guys like crazy!

Oh, and P.S. for all those viewers who didn't believe...the
pictures of the turtles are for you! (told you they exist!)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Special Delivery!!!

Look what we found when we started unpacking! Too cute! Well, everything is going O.K. We are slooowly unpacking and getting somewhat organized. Man! Whoever said moving was fun is down right WRONG! Everyday we are finding more, and more things dented, scratched or just broken all together. Oh well, what can you do. (Cry me a river people!!)
Needless to say we are in beautiful Hawaii enjoying the breath-taking views and climate, (ha,ha!) and all the bugs that go with that!
My little guys' one year older and a year wiser!(ha,ha!) He has gotten more than enough toys and goodies from Halloween to last another year, but oh look! Christmas is right around the corner. Here are a few pics I took of him and his sister Hailey in their costumes they were supposed to wear on Halloween. How adorable are they? My little tomboy Hailey was sooo sad she couldn't be the racecar driver we orginally planned, so she was a substitute spiderman (go figure). I hope everyone is doing well, and be thankful you don't have to unpack a house right before the holidays!