Saturday, March 30, 2013

Josh's 1st Den Meeting

Josh had his first den metting where he earned his Bobcat badge, and a couple of belt loops!  He was really excited.  Since he just started scouts back in November, we are still learning all of the "ins and outs".  It was a little roudy with all these boys there, but fun for him none the less.  His favorite part was after they get all their stuff, they get to pick a cheer for the croud to do.  Here are some photos of all the action:)


MikesDork said...

so cute! Our ward does not do the "cheer" things... I wish we did, not sure I can get them on board for that!

Julia Pettit said...

Awe.... Thats awesome! I wish I could have seen in person. Great Job Josh!