Monday, December 6, 2010

Josh's Famous Last Words

Lately Hailey and Josh have really been getting on each other's nerves. (Ok, and definitely mine too!) So I have recently thought of this little "game" if you will of where they have to stop what they are doing (usually yelling at each other) and say something nice about the other person. This usually calms them down and gets them thinking. Well Josh started for once and said something nice, and Hailey vice/versa. Then Hailey says "mom, how about you? can we say something we like about you?" I say "sure". Josh steps right up and says "This is easy, Mom gives us expensive things when we're good, OK things when we are OK, and she spanks/yells at us when we are bad." I said "Josh that wasn't necessarily a compliment", and he says "Sorry Mom, but if I got more of the expensive stuff I would have nothing to fight with Hailey or the babies about!" I didn't know whether to laugh or be upset. All I know is he definitely is paying attention, even if I think he isn't! Hopefully he will learn one way or the other to BEHAVE!!!!!

1 comment:

MikesDork said...

you could always take the expensive toys away... that is what I do! Sometimes it works... sometimes it does not!