Thursday, November 11, 2010

Joshua Neil Sobek

My little guy turns 6 years old in just a few hours, and I was reminiscing with him about when he was little...I asked him what he remembers most about growing up and he said "Was I always so funny to you Mom?" He was so cute, and smart and curious. I went into labor with Josh while seeing the movie the "Polar Express" in the movie theater on Veteran's Day , and he was born @ 2:06a.m. the next morning. I love my little guy more than the world. He says some of the funniest things, my favorite to this day is "Mom, I am using my thinking cap!" I love it that he still likes to cuddle, and that he sucks his thumb when he is tired. I love it that I can ask for kisses regularly and he will give them. I love when he laughs really hard so that his nose scrunches up, but most of all I am truly blessed that I have such a character in my life! Here are some of my favorite photos of my Joshua, for he will forever be my little guy at heart=-)

I know, the date is wrong on this pix..

1 comment:

MikesDork said...

Happy Birthday to Josh... a few days late! I remember when he was that little in the dumbo costume..... they are growing up too fast!