Sunday, May 31, 2009

Surgery Update

O.K. so I have been limping around like a cripple for about a week and a half now, and FINALLY am starting to feel some relief. I was actually doing great the first three days after surgery, but then last Sunday night, I was hurting, and the next day was even worse. (They say it is because the anesthesia was out of my system by then) What was the most horrific day was Thursday however the day after I had another ultrasound done. Parking at Tripler is terrible, and I literally had to hike up the small side of the mountain (pushing my twins in the stroller mind you)I lost my breath and this poor soldier asked me if I needed help, and I couldn't even answer him, I just nodded my head! Anyway, in my appt. they had to push every two inches up my leg to make sure there was no blood clots, and that the veins were working o.k. Needless to say it brought tears to my eyes. Other than that, I will be wearing this ace bandage up my leg until next Sunday,and I should look wonderful!! I hope everyone is doing good and thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, we are truly blessed by such great family and friends.


MikesDork said...

so glad that you are feeling better! And I LOVE the new header pic!!!

Angie said...

Ouch. It'll all be worth it in the end, though. Hang in there!!!

The Harts said...

Brandi... can't believe the surgery and the aftermath. Hope you keep feeling better (and that your legs are even hotter after all this!!!) Lindsay :)